Major works

Grandes Obras

Planning and progress of the works

The major works described below generally take longer than six months and mainly affect road surfaces and, to a lesser extent, the pavements of public thoroughfares.

This section provides users with up-to-date information on planning and progress of different works being executed by the company Aguas Municipalizadas de Alicante, E.M. in the Alicante municipal area, including: areas affected in the different phases of execution; affected roads; rerouted traffic or incidents; and any other additional information.

All the works will be executed while ensuring that the affected municipal water and sewer system services are maintained and that there is compatibility between the effectiveness of the work and possible impacts on the urban environment, pedestrians, wheeled traffic, businesses, etc., to keep the inevitable inconvenience to a minimum.


(1) Renovation of Residual Collectors in the area of ​​the Joan Fuster Park to reduce conductivity in the Rincón de León WWTP. Alicante

(2) Sectorization actions and renovation of drinking water and sanitation networks in the Colonia Requena sector Phase I. Alicante

(3) Renewal of arterial networks in the San Gabriel neighborhood. Alicante