The consumer's tap

Control en grifo del consumidor

Behind every drop of water are rigorous quality controls


Aguas de Alicante and the City Council organise a free, annual, voluntary campaign to control consumers' tap water and thus determine water quality in dwellings, public buildings, shops and companies. In the campaign, samples are taken directly from taps and then analysed in our laboratory, at no cost to the customer.


Each year, Aguas de Alicante carries out around 350 water controls in consumers' taps. They are designed to ensure that we supply reliable tap water, guaranteeing:

  • Transparency: Control of water quality in indoor installations to ensure that the water has full health guarantees.
  • Rigour: Sampling of tap water is carried out by accredited, qualified staff from Aguas de Alicante, by prior appointment.
  • Commitment: because 'control of consumers' tap water' is a legal requirement of Royal Decree 140/2003, and a commitment of the City Council and Aguas de Alicante to improve the municipal drinking water service.

In 2020, a total of 351 analyses were undertaken to 'control water in consumers' taps', divided among the towns that receive a drinking water supply.

Control of tap water is a legal requirement of Royal Decree 140/2003 that the City Council and Aguas de Alicante have promoted to improve the city's drinking water service.

  • Objectives of the campaign

    • To identify the quality of the drinking water in consumers’ taps in Alicante.
    • To establish the state of indoor drinking water distribution installations and detect possible deficiencies.
    • To supplement characterisation of drinking water quality in the distribution network and detect and correct possible deficiencies in the town’s drinking water distribution network. 
  • Sampling system

    Sampling is undertaken by Aguas de Alicante staff. Company staff visit homes or businesses with their accreditation, having first arranged a time with the customer by phone.

    In 2020, 351 analyses were carried out; of these samples, 22% were taken from public buildings, 10% from businesses and 68% from private homes. So that the samples are representative of the water supplied in the municipality, some sampling points are selected in the centre of the municipalities and towns that receive the water supply and others in outlying houses and surroundings.

    Once the analyses are carried out by Aguas de Alicante laboratory, the full report is sent to the customer. If any incidents in the quality of the tap water are detected, Aguas de Alicante will contact the customer and offer recommendations to solve the problem. Remember, these tests come at no extra cost.

If you want to be a volunteer so that the tap water in your home or business is analysed, you can contact us