Obra - Refuerzo de las redes de agua regenerada Orgegia y Juncaret - Portada

Reinforcement of the reclaimed water networks around the Orgegia and Juncaret ravines. Alicante

Aguas de Alicante is going to carry out work to reinforce the networks of reclaimed water around the ravines of Orgegia and Juncaret, an action which will improve the operation of the overall infrastructure of the city of Alicante's reclaimed water network and will make it possible to improve the management and distribution of the flows of reclaimed water supplied both to the San Juan beach area in Alicante and to the city centre, in order to provide a better response to current and future demands for reclaimed water for watering public green areas and for private use.

The work has an estimated time of 8 months, and is scheduled to begin on 7 September 2020.

It will affect Azafrán Street, service roads and cycle paths in the area around the Juncaret and Orgegia ravines and the Camino de la Huerta.

Affected area
Current traffic planning
Work planning