Obra Marva - Portada

Renewal of the drinking water and sanitation network for the municipal redevelopment of Avenida General Marvá in Alicante

Aguas de Alicante is carrying out renovation works on the sanitation and drinking water networks on Avenida General Marvá between Plaza de los Luceros and Calle Marqués de Molins, as a preliminary step to the redevelopment works in the area by the Alicante City Council.

The works consist of the renovation of sanitation collectors in both lanes of General Marvá Avenue, as well as the renovation of the drinking water network on the east side of the avenue.

The works have an estimated term of 6 months, and are scheduled to start in October 2022.

General Marvá Avenue, a section between Calle Marqués de Molins and Alfonso X el Sabio, will be affected, in addition to specific effects at the intersections with Marqués de Molins, Maestro Marques, Benito Pérez Galdós and Poeta Quintana.

The budget for the action is 646,260.87 euros, VAT included.

Affected area

Current traffic planning

Work planning